Mindfully Eat

“I’ll rather do things than watch things”
That’s what my 60 something patient said to me
When we were talking about ways to lose weight
I had suggested avoiding tv or scrolling through cell phones while eating
Mindful eating was the topic
We exchanged stories on the joys and our delight when eating
Our favorite spices and garnishes
I talked about avoiding multitasking as a way to mindfully eat and also lose weight
Don’t watch tv or be on your phone when you eat
You tend to eat more
And your don’t enjoy it as much
First smell the food
Go ahead! Get a whiff of it
Then put a “moderately sizes spoon in your mouth”
Taste. The. Food
The spices, the heat perhaps, the sweet ..
Let it dance on your taste buds
Close your eyes if you must (helps you focus)
Amazing! Yup it’s what the teeth are for
(On a side note, I chewed rice for the first time in decades a “few” weeks ago in practicing what I preach )
Then explore the textures of the said food from the spoon
…then swallow.
Repeat and listen out to the signal from your belly and your brain that you are full!
I really enjoyed chatting with this patient.
We also shared our love for the newsboys, Steven Curtis Chapman and DC talk!
Those were my some of my fav artists back in the day…
We sang a few lines and hi fived at the end!
(I felt sooooo cool.. can anyone relate?)
Back to the phrase …
He said “I’ll rather do things that watch things!”
That one struck a cord with me.
It was a reminder to dream, and do!
Is there a dream in your heart you’re still waiting on?
Watching others follow theirs while you sit
on yours and wait for “all things to be perfect?”
Start. And watch the world watch you!
Dr. O
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