Dr. Pepper

Her: I almost left your practice doc
Me: um, good to see you again ?
Her: yeah doc, you asked me to stop drinking Dr Pepper? You remember? And to drink water!!!!
Me: ooo.. sounds like something Id say
Her: you hurt my heart Doc
Like I can’t do without my Dr Pepper
Me: I’m sorry! (I actually meant it)
I meant no harm…
I see your Dr Pepper meant the world to you
But see I want you live long and well so I get right to cutting out foods I know don’t serve you
Her: so what are we going to do?
Me: your diabetes is a concern…
Let’s do some math
Her: here we go!
Me: hear me out
Dr Pepper what size do you drink?
Her: 16oz
Me: googe-ling …52 grams of sugar so about 12 teaspoons
What’s your next best drink?
Her: chick fi la half and half
Me: 43 gm in that one so about 10 teaspoons of sugar
Let’s try 1/2 cup of 1/2 and 1/2 max a day and a little sip of “regular water” daily
Her: I can try that
Me: I’ll meet you where you are but I want you to become the person who drinks water because it is the best drink for you.
Her: baby steps doc
Me: yup … stepSSSS
Her: okay baby STEP I’ll start with 1/2 and 1/2 and we can go from there
Me: oh want to start with a health coach to help keep you accountable?
Her: bye doc
Conversations continue…
If you are looking for a doctor that will have conversations to help nudge you to make changes for better health. I am She.
In health,
Dr. Olabintan
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